How to be Successful in History

 How to Be Successful in History

  1. Attend all class sessions on time. You cannot know exactly what goes on in class unless you are there. Missing class and then expecting to find out what went on from someone else is not the same as being there yourself.
  2. Read the textbook. It is best to read the section that will be covered in class beforehand. Reading in advance, even if you do not understand everything you read, is still better than going to class with no idea of what will be discussed. It is okay to highlight your textbook and I recommend that you highlight important facts. Additionally, when reading your textbook understand that the first two to three sentences usually contain the important information so focus on these sentences and then browse the remaining part of the paragraph to make sure that no additional new information is added.
  3. Review everyday.  As soon as possible after class, read over your notes. My recommendation is that you read through your notes once and then go back through the notes and begin to make flashcards so that you can as k yourself questions to find out what you know and what you do not know. It is much better to find out that you do not know something before you take the test rather than on the day of the test!!! Spend time studying those things that you do not know.
  4. Take quality notes. I recommend that you take notes in outline form. It is much easier to ask yourself questions this way. Also, as mentioned earlier, if you study your notes daily you find out more quickly what may be missing from notes taking during class.
  5. Take initiative. Students who wait on the professor to come to them and offer help generally find themselves in a difficult situation; thus, I recommend that you ask for as soon as you realize that you are struggling in this class or any other class.